菡萏思柔Soft and Gentle Lotus Bloom

Soft and Gentle Lotus Bloom

       The lotus is graceful, elegant and gentle, and has the posture of beauty. Therefore, it is often associated with women in poetry, such as "Hazel trees grow on the hills and lotus lies in the lowlands". ("The Book of Songs") Hazelnut stands for men, lotus stands for women. "Han Dan" is another name for lotus. There is a sentence in Li Yu's "Leisure Occasion" in the Ming Dynasty, "When the lotus buds bloom, the posture is so delicate that it is almost dripping", which explains that the "Han Dan", originally referred to as the flower bud of the lotus, is lovable because of its delicate and charming forms. There is also a sentence in the "Book of Songs", "The bank on the edge of the pond is high and the lotus is accompanied by the rushes in the pond. I saw a tall and handsome young man. Bothered by lovesickness day and night, I can't sleep", which uses bulrushes and lotus to express admiration for beauty. And "Sirou (Soft and Gentle)" also comes from "Book of Songs", "The wine is full of color and fragrance in the curved horn cup." It refers to the delicate fragrance of wine as well as the soft and gentle color of lotus flower. Its fragrance is appealing, just like fine wine.

       In this series, you can see the natural aura of the lotus flower. The lotus flower grows in the water. The flowers and water complement each other and show their soft and charming temperament. In this group of works, the flowers, leaves and colors of the lotus are expressed in shades of color, together with the rays of the sun and green water, showing the beauty, freshness and brilliance of lotus. Each work seems to be shrouded in water mist. The picture is soft, moist, hazy and implicit. The characteristics of watercolor are perfectly combined with the softness of lotus flowers and the sense of flow of pond water. It contains the fresh breath of a summer lotus pond and it is hoped that it can present a strong tension on the picture.

       Watercolor painting and Chinese painting have something in common in the expression of water and color. Watercolor painting takes water as the pulse and color as the body, and is fixed in the spirit according to the environment. It is compatible with western color modeling and oriental brushwork and charm. It connects China and the west, covering ancient and modern times. The texture produced by the improvisation and fluidity of watercolor painting is full of implicit, imaginary and real, as well as natural artistic beauty, which is very suitable for creating a poetic mood.

       This series "Soft and Gentle Lotus Bloom" focuses on expressing the soft texture and vigorous vitality of the lotus flower. Rich colors are used in layers of rendering to express the vividness and colorfulness of the lotus pond. The delicately beautiful and graceful lotus flower is a kind of natural beauty. It also symbolizes the graceful demeanor of women. The lotus leaf is her dancing skirt, and the lotus pond is like a pond of fine wine, which is intoxicating and unforgettable.



      荷花亭亭玉立,清雅柔美,有美人之姿,因此在詩詞中多與女子相關聯,如《詩經·邶風·簡兮》中,“山有榛,隰有苓。”榛代表男性,“苓”即“荷”,代表的就是女性。“菡萏”為荷花的別稱,在明代李漁的《閒情偶寄》中有一句 :“迨至菡萏成花 , 嬌姿欲滴”解釋了“菡萏”原指荷花的花蕾,因其嬌豔欲滴的情態惹人憐愛。《詩經》中也有“彼澤之陂,有蒲菡萏。有美一人,碩大且儼。寤寐無為,輾轉伏枕”的句子,用香蒲和菡萏起興,表達對美人的思慕。而“思柔”來自於《詩經·小雅·甫田之什·桑扈注釋》:“兕觥其觩,旨酒思柔。”指美酒色清香濃,菡萏花色淡雅,芳香襲人,正如美酒一般香醇。




 蕭芬琪 巧顏如英 56cm×76cm 2022年作

蕭芬琪 粉黛娥眉 56cm×76cm 2022年作