
蕭芬琪,中國美術家協會會員,當代畫壇新銳女畫家、策展人、專欄作家,擅藝術史論及書畫鑒賞,香港大學文學院藝術學系哲學博士,曾策劃統籌藝術活動和展覽逾百個,編輯書畫冊近百部,公開撰寫發表藝術文化文章逾二百篇。著作包括《王一亭》 《孫星閣》等。1992 年,水彩畫《國際嘉年華》參加香港大學馮平山博物館“中學生平面美術作品展”,獲優異獎。2014 年迄今,油畫、中國畫、水彩畫及雕塑作品分別參加逾 40 次由國家文化部、中央文史研究館、中央美術學院等主辦的大型展覽,尤其在美國三藩市加州政府大樓的展覽,獲中國駐三藩市總領事館總領事極高評價,並獲美國加州參議院、加州眾議院、三藩市市政府、三藩市市議會頒發嘉許狀。


2016 年入選首屆“全球華人傑出青年”,並獲“全球華人傑出青年藝術人物大獎”;2021 年獲香港江蘇社團總會“經貿文化傑出貢獻獎”;2022 年獲“回歸 25 年影響香港‘傑出港人’之‘菁英人物大獎’”,並入編《傑出港人 2022——獻禮香港回歸祖國 25 週年大型人物畫傳》;2023年獲第二屆GZAF國際藝術大獎之“美學探索人物獎”。


Brief Biography of Dr. Siu Fun Kee

   Dr. Siu Fun Kee is a rising-star in China’s art circle. She is a member of the Chinese Artists Association, being a painter, curator, and columnist. Her strengths include a strong knowledge of art history and theory, as well as connoisseurship of Chinese painting and calligraphy. She received a degree of doctor of philosophy at the Department of Fine Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Hong Kong. Dr. Siu has coordinated over one hundred art activities and exhibitions. She has also edited nearly 100 painting albums and has published more than 200 articles about art and culture in public. She has written books including Wang Yiting and Sun Xingge. In 1992, her watercolor painting "International Arts Carnival" won the merit award at the "Exhibition of Two-dimensional Works by Secondary School Students" jointly presented by the Fung Ping Shan Museum of the University of Hong Kong and Education Department. Since 2014, her oil paintings, Chinese paintings, watercolor paintings and sculptures have participated in more than 40 major group exhibitions organized by the Ministry of Culture, the Central Research Institute of Culture and History, the Central Academy of Fine Arts and others, especially the one held at the California Government Building in San Francisco. Her works were highly praised by the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco and she was awarded with certificates of recognition by the San Francisco Mayor, California Senator, and the California Assembly member.

Dr. Siu has been hired as an expert at the Chinese painting department of Christie's Hong Kong. She is currently serving as the Vice President of the Hong Kong Art and Culture Group, Managing Director of Shantou Art and Culture Centre, President and Chief Editor of Hong Kong Gallery Publishing, General Director of Guangdong Provincial Lingdong Museum of Arts, Executive Vice Chairman of China Gallery Research Institute, President and Chief Editor of the Lingdong Magazine, Executive Director of Lingdong Sculpture Academy, Secretary-general of the Association of Overseas Chinese Artists, Secretary General of the Foundation of the Hong Kong Artists Association, Deputy Secretary-general of the Federation of HK Jiangsu Community Organisations, Director of the American Teo Chew Business Association and Deputy Commissioner of the Youth Committee, Member of International Teochew Doctors Association, among other things.

Siu Fun Kee was selected as the first "Global Chinese Outstanding Youth" and won the "Global Chinese Outstanding Young Artist Award" in 2016. She won the "Outstanding Contribution Award for Economic, Trade and Culture" from the Federation of HK Jiangsu Community Organizations in 2021. In 2022, she won the "Elite Award" for the "'Outstanding Hong Kong People' who have influenced Hong Kong in the past 25 years", and was included in the compilation “Outstanding Hong Kong People 2022: Large-scale Biography of Figures Dedicated to the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland”. In 2023, She won the "Aesthetic Exploration Figure Award" at the 2nd GZAF International Art Awards.

As a scholarly artist, Dr. Siu Fun Kee’s painting creation is based on her art history research. Over the years, she has actively explored the fusion of Chinese freehand painting and Western painting to create a unique artistic style, which has been highly praised in art circles at home and abroad, with rave reviews.