荷山万象Sights of Lotus and Mountain

Sights of Lotus and Mountain

    Mountain is considered having extremely rich connotation in Chinese traditional culture. Its heaviness and thickness has been symbolized as the sign of undertaking responsibility. Its steep cliff and difficult path has been analogized as life with indomitable path. Its kindness and clam is like the strong and powerful arm of family members. Its altitude as high as reaching through the clouds has been considered driving people with resonance when they are lonely. In Chinese culture, mountains have always been mentioned in parallel with water and both are collectively called as "landscapes". It refers to the place where is the creator's favorite beautiful natural scenery. In addition, some people also like to use the term "River Mountain" to refer to the land of a country. Under the traditional culture, mountains and water are also considered as having temperament which connects with humanity. Confucius believes, "people with wisdom love water and righteous people love mountains; wise people know how to be flexible and righteous people have peace of mind; smart people are always happy and righteous people have long life." (The Analects of Confucius) Although his comment has different interpretations, it all ends up to the same conclusion of connecting landscape to people's temperament. Landscape painting has eventually been considered as the most "predominant" branch of Chinese painting mainly due to this kind of emotional connection, even though it has not become independent division until Sui and Tang Dynasties.

Lotus is an aquatic plant which has a natural blood relationship with water. People would naturally think of lotus pond when they talk about lotus. They would think of the water under a cluster of lotus leaves, which is either clear or muddy, silently nourishing the boundless green. Due to this cultural connotation, I have tried to put the lotus pond and mountain into the same picture and used oil painting to express another kind of landscape feelings. The lotus pond and mountain peak are considered as the sign of gentleness and rigidity. They both seem to be different; however, they can see themselves through each other like the two sides of the world. The change in the atmosphere between heaven and earth is indeed reflected by the hazy landscape of the mountains as well as the ups and downs of the greenery of lotus ponds. I try to use these pictures to show the deep cultural connection between the lotus and mountain through various changes of shape and color. In this way, I can explore another possibility of creating landscapes of oil painting from the themes of lotus and mountain.


        山在中国传统文化中具有极之丰富的内涵。它浑厚凝重,象征着责任、担当; 它陡峭难行,譬喻着百折不回的人生;它宽厚沉着,宛若亲人强而有力的臂膀; 它高耸入云,常使人于孤独时产生共鸣。在中国文化中,山还常与水相提并论, 合称山水,意指造物者所钟情之自然佳处;或称河山,泛指一国之国土。山与水在传统文化中还是具有性情的,与人性相通。如孔子就认为:“知者乐水,仁者乐山;知者动,仁者静;知者乐,仁者寿。”(《论语·雍也》)这句话虽然有着不同的解读,但相同的都是将人的性情与山水相联系。正是因为这种感情上的关联,故而山水画虽然要到隋唐始独立成科,却最终发展成为中国画中最为“显赫”的分支。 

        荷花是水生植物,与水有着天然的血脉之亲。想到荷花,自然就想起荷塘, 想到拥拥簇簇的荷叶之下,那或清或浊、默默滋养着这无边绿意的水。缘于此种文化内涵,我尝试将荷塘与山峰置入同一个画面,借油画以表现另一种山水情怀。荷塘与山峰两者一刚一柔,一壮美一温柔,看似截然不同,却如同世界的两个侧面,能够通过对方观照自我。山间烟岚变幻,荷塘绿意起伏,所反映的其实都是天地之间的气息变化。我试图通过这些画面,从造型、色彩的种种变化,表现荷、山之间潜藏于文化深层的联系,从荷与山的题材探索油画山水的另一种可能性。